Pingu is a charming, mischievous young penguin who spends his free time playing with his friends and family. He has gained worldwide fame for over 20 years through the highly successful children television programme of the same name.Pingu The Loveable PenguinFun and imaginative, children cannot fail to be enchanted by Pingu! They instantly relate to the everyday experiences Pingu encounters. Pingu's behaviour is typical of a very young boy, always pushing the boundaries to see what he can get away with! He charming. He's mischievous. He inquisitive. He funny. He adventurous. He loveable. He full of energy and life! International RecognitionThe daily adventures of Pingu as he plays and interacts with his family and friends in the snow and ice of the South Pole are broadcast on over 140 channels and watched by over 1 billion people worldwide. In 2006, the exclusive global English language teaching rights for Pingu were licensed to the Linguaphone Group by HIT Entertainment Limited, one of the world leading independent children entertainment products and intellectual property rights owners.